Thursday, January 22, 2009

Identify the quote or quotes that most resonated with you, why do you appreciate those particular parts of the speech, and what you think those.......

in most of barrack Obama speeches he mentioned "we".Never once has he said "i" like the other presidents and what they try to achieve .He mentioned of how we do need to work together and how this place can change for the better of the people and economy.I think this is a man of his word and so does most of America.We now look at him as a inspiration as to what we can do.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. day. Tuesday is the Presidential Inauguration. What are any similarities between Barak Obama and Martin Luther King ?

They both have big dreams for the US.Alot of hope for change and in the people.Willing to step up to the plate too make this change that most people want to do but doesn't have enough courage to do so.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What do you think you should do to make sure that you get a good recording of your voice?

keep listening to it over or do some type of sound check.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In your opinion, what is a podcast?

It is audio and video files.I think that is what it is.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Question: What did you learn last year in this class that you will use this year and in the future?

What i learned last year was to be more independent because you can depend on something or someone for so long.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Question: What is the best gift that you can give the person that means the most to you?

the gift that means the most to me is the gift that they spent hours to to figure out what to get.i like to see what they think i would's funny but at the same time thoughtful.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do you think it is better to give a gift or receive a gift? Why?

i think it is better to give someone the gift because when you give,you'll recieve somethin bette in your life also it is better to see someone else happy other than yourself.